Protected: 2025 Numerology: What a Nine Year Brings
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Spirituality and awakening. Personal growth and spiritual development. Soul and higher self. Life purpose. Spirit guides and angels.
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MEDITATE with INTENTION, Get Results Learn how to meditate or approach it in fresh ways, with Through the Blue Door‘s ultra-sensory meditations. Walk through four steps to learn practical meditation. Understand how each of a person’s senses play a part … Continued
Fiddle Meditation Music Even if you have heard them on A Prairie Home Companion or CBS Good Morning, your first thought of Jay Ungar & Molly Mason fiddling was probably not “Hey! New fiddle meditation music!” This just might change your mind. Known for … Continued
Welcome Back to the Eighties! Out of sheer anticipation I tried to wait to write this playlist for a little longer, but I just couldn’t do it. Listening to all of the nostalgic 80’s dance music while I was compiling this … Continued
A Valentine Meditation February 14th is not the only day of the year that what – and who- is in your heart is of importance. So what better theme for your next meditation than love and relationships…and what better Valentine meditation … Continued
A Holiday Activity Meditation for You Knowing how busy things get in the days before Thanksgiving, I wanted to get this Giving Thanks meditation playlist out to you all. Now you have the choice to try it either the weekend … Continued
Considering Boredom and Loneliness This recurring theme of boredom and loneliness, and questions surrounding it, have been directed at me many times in the past few months so I’m feeling urged to offer up a general spiritual morsel on the … Continued
Apple Divination In no way am I ready for the cold of winter, but I have to say I’m very much appreciating its precursor, Fall. Or more pointedly, apple season. Who can resist all those colorful bins of locally grown … Continued
Meditation with a Modern Edge If you enjoy alternative or indie music, you already know it doesn’t make for the best meditation music. Vocals you’d end up singing along with instead of meditating. Tempos that would have you up and … Continued
Take the Meditation to the Garden You might get a little boost of meditative inspiration if you go back to your roots. Mine so happen to be in Norway, and their group Secret Garden creates music that is perfect for meditation. The … Continued