MN Author
Look for these books by MN author and psychic medium Heather Oelschlager. They are available through your local bookseller. Stop by or call to have them order your copy. You can purchase online via my Bookshop store or here, through the MandorlaAcademy Shop. Also available on Amazon.com+Kindle, and all major online book shops worldwide.
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A Medium’s Guide to Ultra-Sensory
Meditation & Journaling
Heather Oelschlager
2017, Kefi Press.
With this first book in the Blue Door Meditation Series, learn ultra-sensory meditation in four simple, interactive steps. Fifty-two meditations are included for insight and guidance, healing, exploration, spiritual growth, and more. This meditation method has been taught throughout Heather’s workshops for twenty years. Includes meditation stories from students. In addition, articles on affirmations, soul mates, and spirit guides are included. You will also find information about helping loved ones and dealing with unwanted energy. Use meditation to help with concerns involving work, family, relationships, life purpose, anxiety and stress.
Order via my BOOKSHOP

50 Awareness Activities & Tarot Games
Heather Oelschlager
July 2020, Kefi Press.
Supplement your spiritual, metaphysical, and tarot studies. This text includes 20 activities for self-awareness. 25 tarot games from acquainting exercises to complete tarot spreads. And, 5 all-new meditations for personal development. Explore unique ways to use your tarot deck for a dynamic understanding of yourself. You will tap into information about life purpose, desires, work, relationships, travel, and more.
Practices in the book are sure to get your imagination flowing and expand perspective. Solve a puzzle to find guidance. Try dreamwork. Or, do a telepathy experiment. Through the exercises, acquire spiritual techniques to apply in everyday life situations. Listen to your inner voice. Receive signs. Furthermore, apply what you learn to manifest more of life’s blessings.
FREE PRINTABLES are available in the SHOP for use with select exercises and meditations from the books listed above.
Through the Blue Door Companion Journal
Heather Oelschlager
2017, Kefi Press
Purchase and download an e-book journal. Use this with the Blue Door Meditation Series books. Download, print, and store in your own 3-ring binder. It includes additional journaling prompts, too. Available exclusively in the Mandorla Academy Shop.
NEW! Heather’s Sketchbooks Series

Click for details.
Enjoy coloring Heather’s original pen and ink artwork and tap into your own creative spirit. relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, manifesting techniques, and intuition. Each book includes an article on one of those topics of personal spirituality. Relax and color as you align with a greater sense of peace and purpose.
Books | Coming Soon
More BLUE DOOR Meditations
Heather Oelschlager
2024, Kefi Press.
The second in the Blue Door Meditation Series, including briefly guided meditations and more student experience stories. Hundreds of journaling prompts for contemplation. Also, additional spiritually-forward articles. *Be sure to submit your meditation stories from Through the Blue Door soon. Some will be selected for this publication. Link to submit is below*
Also at Mandorla Academy

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