Valentine’s Game Secret Follow-up Messages

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t done the Valentine’s Game yet – stop reading until you’ve finished the flower exercise first.

Okay, so you finished your Valentine’s flower. Now here are the meanings behind the petals to let you know the significance of the words you’ve filled in each petal….

Purple Petal represents “What I need more of in my life”

Blue Petal represents “What I need to bring to my relationship with my kindred mate”

Yellow Petal represents “What I need to do for myself now in order to prepare for my kindred mate coming into my life”

Pink Petal represents “How I will recognize my kindred mate”

Orange Petal represents “How my kindred mate will enrich my life”

Just a few things to think about anyway – I hope you enjoyed the exercise!

The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.


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