So many happenings…
Here is a little guide to all the things to do via!
Click the links or icons to visit various sections of the website.
Book a Session
Schedule a one-on-one or shared session with Psychic Medium Heather Oelschlager. Appointments are by phone or in person. There are also psychic-tarot-by-email options. Learn more about booking on our CONSULTATIONS page.
Take a Workshop
Join into our Academy courses online. From short 1.5 hour classes to year-long studies, you’ll learn about psychic, spiritual, and personal development. Meditation, Ultra-Sensory Abilities, Tarot, and more. All our courses focus on interactive learning experiences intended to teach students firsthand all the skill sets related to the topics. Check out the options on our ONLINE COURSES page. The INTRO to Mandorla Academy class is FREE.
Attend an Event
If there are events going on in-person or via Facebook, you’ll find them listed on our EVENTS page. Small group sessions, Tarot Fundays, and more.
Shop for Books & More
Our SHOP at includes a variety of books, adult/teen coloring books, message card decks, bookmarks, and free printables to accompany the books. Fine art print illustrations are available to order. We also have a number of artisan handmade gifts, such as dowsing pendulums, bags and pouches (for tarot, runes, or personal items), and more. Let us know if you need help with any items you’re interested in purchasing.
Get a Message
Try our GIVE ME a SIGN Message Board Activity and other games/activities as they are added. Visit each day to ask a new question and receive another message for the day.
Find a Meditation or Activity
Our BLUE DOOR BLOG is packed full of articles about meditations and other activities to try. Read about symbolism and find help to interpret your meditations, signs, and dreams. Learn how to choose a tarot deck. All metaphysical topics, experience stories, and much more.
Share Your Meditation or Session/Post-Session Experience
If you have used meditations from the website or Heather’s books, or you have had a session (and post-session experiences) and you would like to SHARE YOUR STORIES with us, please take a few moments to do so. We love to hear about synchronicities, healing messages, and your happenings.