The Color RED Symbolism in Signs, Dreams, and Meditations

color red symbolism cherries

True red, brick red, candy apple red, scarlet and crimson, cerise and magenta, maroon, carmine, claret and burgundy, as well as carnelian and cherry and cardinal red. There are so many shades of this bold and intense primary color around us.

Symbolism in meditation (or dreams, or signs & synchronicity for that matter) is one of the greatest ways that the Universe, our guides, or passed loved ones can communicate with us.  Looking even closer at objects we are shown can give us very unique and significant messages, as the facets and details of an object are another layer of meaning, for example, a penny being notably shiny rather than dull, or water being cold and murky rather than flowing, turquoise blue.  Color plays a great role in emphasizing the full meaning behind a symbol you are meant to notice. Here we look at the symbolism behind the color red.

the color red symbolism apple

The Color Red

Today we are focusing on the color red. Often it seems that people either really like or tend to avoid red around them. Those who favor red tend to fall into one of two groups. Those who are in need of it, using red in objects, clothing, or surroundings to help bring in extra energy or love as a boost for their quiet or introverted personality traits. Or, they are the ones who are attached to the excess of the energy; egocentric, materialistic, and controlling. Those that are somewhere in the middle, tend to not care one way or another about red. They also tend to subconsciously apply red as needed. Appreciating certain things that are true reds over others. Liking it for a purpose or time, and then leaving it be.

When it comes to messages involving red, consider personal correlations first, not only the traditional or generic interpretations.

Color Red Symbolism

The symbolism of the color red may shift from positive to negative depending on shade or tone. Consider all the possibilities. Generally, one word or phrase stands out quickly. Go from there to determine the complete message. Here is a list of keywords to browse when translating your instances of red symbolism:

Red (true red and varying shades): Strength, work, activity, action, courage, sex, passion, ecstasy, vigor, raw energy.

Red does have a duality to it, however. When shades are mixed with bits of other colors, it may symbolize other aspects, such as danger, aggression, impulsiveness, forcefulness, control, or manipulation.

Scarlet: (red mixed w/green, blue): Materialism
Red-Orange:  Ambition

Maroon (red mixed w/ brown): Pure lust, danger, anger, control/manipulation
Burgundy (red mixed w/blue, black):  confidence, determination

Rose: Romance, enamored

SEE ALSO the separate article on PINK SYMBOLISM for lighter variations/shades.

red paint pigment

Share your experiences with RED symbols in dreams or meditations in the comments.

Possible Messages

Messages are always based on the shades and surrounding circumstances or factors, but some of the common messages may be:

“Be cautious.”

“Pay attention to what comes next.”

“This comes from a place of love or good intention.”

“Let go of your fear/anger.”

“Are you acting upon love or fear?”

“Recognize your true feelings so you can adapt or adjust your energy to what you want it to be.”

“All there is, is love.”

Color Red Symbolism | Considering Idioms & Cliches

Seeing red | Furious, angry, venomous, toxic

In the red | In a deficit, owing money

Caught red-handed | Busted, caught in the act

Redneck | Hillbilly, unrefined, uneducated

Red ticket item or red ticket sale | Special offer/discount

Red carpet treatment | Glamourous, lavish, to treat with respect and celebration

Paint the town red | Living it up, celebrating

Red as a lobster | Sunburnt or embarrassed

Beet red | Embarrassed

Blood red | Implies negative association, at something/someone’s expense

Red herring | Fake, false, misleading

Red tape | Interruption, challenge, blockage, especially regarding formal paperwork

Red flag | a sign that something is wrong

Red hot | Hot, spicy, or in high demand

Candy apple red, cherry red | flashy, eye-catching. Also possible ego, machismo

Red rose | Love for another, passion, adoration

Red rover | Game, remember childlike qualities, having fun, lightheartedness

Red barn | Farm, growing, also landmarks

Red card | Penalty, ejected, bad action/sportsmanship

Red shirt | Having to sit out, waiting for a turn

color red symbolism lego building blocks

The Interesting Thing About Red

There is something different when it comes to the color red symbolism, its meanings and interpretations. It seems that there is a notable duality with this color. All the associations feel strongly polarized one way or the opposite, either rooted in love or in fear. There is so much opposition to be found that it does take extra care, reflection, and honesty when it comes to translating what a sign or message actually is when it comes to red.

A Red Sign Story

Take for example this personal story.

Many years ago, I was heading out on a trip to a place entirely new to me, and I had absolutely no idea how it would go or what would come of it. A friend was driving me to the airport and I was both nervous and excited for the adventure. We were discussing the possibilities and just as she took the exit ramp, a bright red pickup truck veered sharply to cut in front of us, forcing her to brake. Too close. And, of course, it had a license plate from the state I was going to. We both thought it was a sign. It surely was. But at the time, as I find most people do, we interpreted it to be in the affirmative only because it happened – some sort of reassurance that it was going to all turn out for the best. It’s what people normally do naturally. You get a sign, recognize it. See it as confirmation, validation, and a positive. But that’s not at all how this works, as it turns out.

There is More to It

When we receive a sign it’s a language that we are learning and developing between ourselves (from our own interests, knowledge, and experience) and the Universe. Each person’s translations and understanding are going to be different, even if there are sometimes commonalities or similarities founded on some traditional symbolism.

color red symbolism car

In all languages there are expressions of both positive and negative, affirmative and unfavorable. We have to be able to consider all the options if we want to have the full scope of expression and way to receive information, insights on the spectrum of possibilities.

At any rate, it was a terrible trip. A regrettable decision. If only I’d considered and realized what the sign was actually saying: 1. “That was a close call. No good. Dangerous, in fact. A person demonstrating zero consideration for the well-being or safety of others.” and 2. “Warning. Warning. WARNING!” The truck was red. You can perceive red as positive. Love, passion, pure energy. BUT, it may also be screaming, caution. Look out! Do not go.

In hindsight, we should have turned around and gone home.

red barn in white snow

To Summarize

This is why it is necessary to add ALL the pieces together of the sign, dream, or meditation message and only then, come to a conclusion about what is being said. We want things to go well. We want life to go seamlessly in our favor. We want to believe in others having our best interest at heart. But those things aren’t always true. So, when we ask for guidance, or connect with our higher selves, anything at all that is communicated symbolically, must be carefully inspected and considered.

We won’t always get it right. And, sometimes even if we have a bad feeling about something, we may also feel it necessary to choose it, even if it means going through something challenging or difficult. At least when we consider the full-picture, we can make a decision that is right or necessary for us at the time. All in all, that is perfectly okay.

A Side Note Regarding Clothing Colors

Colors we wear affect, for better or worse, our mood and energy levels. If your children (or you) are diagnosed with ADHD or similar health issues, please do not dress them in red, it only intensifies and exacerbates the problems. People susceptible to anxiety should also be cautious of wearing or surrounding yourself in too much red. On the contrary, if you are in need of a boost one day, throwing on a red coat or sweater might help restore energy back to feeling your best.

Click to select and read about another color:

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