The Color Green
The first day of spring is the perfect time to be writing about the color green and what it means. Especially for those of us living in cold climates, there is something special about watching for greens of all shades to return to our environment in the coming weeks. Green also has special meanings when it comes up in dreams, meditations, and through signs we receive.
Green is second only to blue in having the most shades that we can perceive. That is a lot of possible variances in looking for meanings. A true green is, of course, equal parts blue and yellow, so what happens energetically when you combine those two?

Let’s take a look at the color green symbolism. Before we dig into the meanings, though, do you have a favorite green? Do you have any personal feelings about green? An aversion to the color in general? Your preferences of a color will always be a key influence to interpreting the messages, however they come up.
The answers to those questions are a priority to consider, before overlapping that with traditional and generalized interpretations. Be sure to think of that first when you need to interpret a “green” message for yourself.

The symbolism and precise message of the green color is dependent upon the shade and what other colors it may be mixed with. This certainly then overlaps with the meaning of whatever it is that is colored green, especially if it is unusual, like if you see yourself as being green in a dream, or if you are handed a green apple (as opposed to a red one).
If you are able, it is also quite important to take into account the feelings you had in the moment the green sign occurred. Did you have a reaction to the green object or instance in a meditation? When you recall being happy or having a sense of dread, those feelings clearly present key information. Fear based vs. love based is a big difference. The feelings may align with or oppose a generic keyword, so include that in your evaluation.

Color Green Keywords
When shaping your interpretations, make sure to browse for keywords that stand out to you, it will never be ALL of the things. It is also impossible to list and define every single shade here, so whether it is teal, lime, moss, clover, pistachio, shamrock, basil, fern, parakeet, spring, or another, use the following list to find what is similar and use that as a starting point. From there, trust your intuition and inner voice. Afterall, everyone still has their own perception of a color, too. If someone says, “it’s avocado green,” are they thinking of the outside or inside of the avocado? It is always best to trust your feelings about the meaning – it is your message; it doesn’t need to fit through someone else’s filters. In the event you really feel there is something you are missing, then try to do a meditation for added insight, or ask the universe for a more definitive sign to clarify what your specific green is indicating.

Green (in general, or true green): nature, renewal, regeneration, balance, sympathy, luck, prosperity, growth, good health, healing, hope, vigor, serenity.
Pale Green, Mint, or Seafoam: sympathy, peace, serenity, hopefulness.
Sage Green (citron + slate): stillness, being observant, gentleness, patience.
Apple Green: healing, renewal, regeneration, balance, harmony.
Grass Green (Bright Greens, Irish Green): growth, prosperity, hope, luck.
Jade Green: grounding, protection.
Emerald Green: abundance, wealth, means, productivity.

Chartreuse, Yellow-Greens: a fresh start, starting something new, excitement, potential.
Dark Green, Forest or Pine Green: independence, prominence, maturing, security, stability.
Hunter Green (dark green mixed with brown): greed, envy, materialism, self-importance.
Khaki, Army Green: (greens mixed with brown): jealousy, resentment, imbalance, judgmental, controlling, manipulative, emotional or mental distortion, discord.
Olive Green: if it is a yellow-green it is closer to the chartreuse terms and positive; if it is a brown-green, then it pairs with the khaki and army green terms.

A Note about Apple Green:
There are three main healing colors that help us reset and apple green is one of them. Green is associated with the heart chakra. That’s why jade, green aventurine, and malachite are such perfect gemstones for heart-healing work, whether you need to overcome a heartbreak, or need a boost to rebalance your emotions, overcome self-doubt, or put yourself at peace. Essentially, they help us restore ourselves more easily.
If you are able to see the aura of a person with a healing-related life purpose, this color is often quite prominent. (As it is when someone is in a process OF healing). They often vibrate at this frequency in order to share of this energy with others around them. It is something to keep in mind, no matter your purpose in life, because we all need healing and energy balancing. When you need a boost, imagine yourself surrounded in an apple green bubble of light, or throw on a shirt in this color. It’ll help.

Considering Idioms & Sayings
to be green: a novice, immature OR environmentally friendly/conscious
green thumb: adept at growing plants
green light: safe to proceed, getting the go-ahead
Others about being green tend to have negative connotations, referencing illness or jealousy (green in the gills, looking a bit green, green-eyed monster, green with envy).
Possible Messages for the Color Green
“This is a new beginning, full of hope and potential.”
“Go for it!” (green light)
“What luck; act on the opportunity because you’ve done the preparation.”
“Get out in nature and regroup.”
“Be still and observe.” (sage)
“This is in your best interest for creating abundance.”
“It is time for healing. Take care of yourself.”
“Keep learning and growing.”
The message related to the color green have such a wide range of wonderful and encouraging possibilities! Please feel free to share your experiences with GREEN symbols in the comments section.
Click to select and read about another color:

Do you have a symbol that you would like interpreted? Heather Oelschlager takes submissions for these requests through Mandorla Academy. Send an email through the contact form and your symbol may be chosen for an upcoming article like this one!

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