Dreams About Another Person
It’s been asked of me before and it’s come up again just recently, so I thought I’d address this question on dreams here. The situation is this: you’re married or in a relationship and all the sudden you find yourself having recurring dreams about someone from your past…a past love, your high school sweetheart, an unrequited love, or maybe even a dear friend who you never revealed your romantic love to…whomever this person is, you’re probably a little concerned those old feelings are resurfacing or maybe are questioning if it’s a sign that you should try to re-connect with them. Worse still, perhaps you’ve considered that maybe you’re dreaming of him because he is thinking of you and perhaps trying to draw you back into his life.
Why do you keep having dreams about this person?
To put your mind more at ease right off, that last thought has no basis…it’s your dream. Your dreams are about you and your present life, far beyond anything it has to do with that other person. They’re innocent in the conundrum. Likewise with the idea that it’s a sign you should reconnect with that person. That is just a likely and unfortunate side-effect of online social networking, so hands off that keyboard before you click that SEND button and pour out your dream and heart on that unsuspecting soul.
That all being said, it’s time to look a little…a lot…closer to home. The mystery of these dreams lies just there. Consider the state of your marriage or relationship. What are you frustrated with? What are you longing for? Do you feel aspects are missing? Now, look at that person you’ve been dreaming about. What qualities or characteristics did they have that are not present at the moment in your current relationship?
Then, what did that person offer you or bring to the relationship that was unique or special? What did this other person easily or naturally bring to that relationship that you are wishing came easier to your present love? Do you see the parallels? It’s just as simple as that. How to enhance, spice up, fix or better your present relationship lies with you, your significant other, and your own creativity, but at least you now know where to begin.
Past Loves
Single and dreaming of a past love too? It’s not so different as what I’ve already pointed out. You are simply looking for Mr. or Ms. Right-for-You that has all the wonderful qualities that past love shared with you. You’re longing for the connection or those feelings that you knew from that past experience. Pay attention long enough to acknowledge what they are and you’ll be able to recognize them as soon as your kindred mate surfaces!
Also at Mandorla Academy
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