The Cafe Story
So this morning I went to meet a new client at the café in town. My favorite proprietor, Ryan, who keeps me caffeinated with transcendent almond lattés, greeted me with a “Hello, Famous.” He’s seen the newspaper article obviously. I’m thinking, maybe it’s just him.
I got there early so I could jot a few notes before my client arrived. Gigantic mug in hand, I grabbed a table near the door and started in on that task. An elderly lady decides on the table next, and sits directly across facing me, letting another woman who just walked in know that she couldn’t join her as she was waiting on another lady. It wasn’t too much time after that her friend arrived, taking the seat next to the wall. After a water-spill-cleanup and conversation openers (she’s a loud-talker) at their table, I hear her proclaim “So, what do you think of THAT? A psychic in Wanamingo?!”
I glanced up over the rim of my glasses and she looked straight at me…with no idea whatsoever. What can I say…it made me smile and I casually resumed my note-taking.
It’s just funny actually overhearing oneself as the subject of town gossip. To me even funnier than the time I was going to get a table up at a café in the cities and noticed a woman who happened to be perusing my website at that exact moment. (She saw me and didn’t put two and two together either.) It was no coincidence I guess that my client today brought up the topic of hiding one’s true self from people. Is it really “hiding” if you’re in plain sight?
I have to admit though, if shock value was of value to me, it would have been a smidgen of fun to have stopped by their table on my way out to leave the ladies with a business card. 😉
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Previously published, copyright 2000-2017.
Trista Zandstra
haha, that's awesome. you could've chatted with them and played the “tell-me-something-no-one-else-could-possibly-know” trick. It was really great to see you in the paper!