Symbolism in meditation (or dreams, or signs & synchronicity for that matter) is one of the greatest ways that the Universe, our guides, or passed loved ones can communicate with us. Looking even closer at objects we are shown can give us very unique and significant messages, as the facets and details of an object are another layer of meaning, for example, a penny being notably shiny rather than dull, or water being cold and murky rather than flowing, turquoise blue. Color plays a great role in emphasizing the full meaning behind a symbol you are meant to notice. Here we look at the color orange symbolism.

The Color Orange
In honor of Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain, Día de los Muertos, and all your celebrations, we’re going to focus on the color orange for the moment. What do you first think of when orange comes to mind? Your favorite fruit? Fire? The rain boots you had when you were in third grade? Personal correlations always provide great insights, so be sure to consider them first, not only the traditional or generic interpretations.
The symbolism of the color orange depends largely on the shade of the color. As with all things, there are a number of choices as to what a specific representation is, however, if you look at a list of possibilities, generally one word or phrase will quickly stand out to you. Here is a list of keywords for you to browse when translating your own orange symbolism:

True Orange (varying from Light to Bright Orange): Fertility. Hope. New Beginnings. Vitality. Attraction. Friendliness. Courtesy. Liveliness. Sociability. Energy. Motivation.
Red-Orange: Ambition
Burnt Oranges (those with brown mixed in): Ego. An excess of pride.
Peach: Empathy. Harmony.
As you can see, anything that is orange, with the exception of oranges tinged with brown, has pretty encouraging and positive messages behind them. Please feel free to share your experiences with ORANGE symbols in the comments or in the symbolism questions section.
Pumpkins and Jack o’ Lanterns as Symbols
And just in case these come up in your meditations ever, in general, pumpkins represent: being open-minded to new ideas, an interest in trying new experiences. (See how that ties into the orange color keywords!) While jack o’ lanterns are probably more representative of whatever kind of face you see on the lantern…on the one hand, it could imply that someone is watching over you (if it’s a friendly face), or it could instead imply that someone is being false (“putting on a face”). The other facets of your meditation or dream would give more insight and clarity into the specifics.

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

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