Dragonfly Symbolism and Messages They Carry

Dragonfly Q & A

A student asked about dragonfly symbolism during a recent class on grief and loss :
What do dragonflies signify?

Dragonflies seen in dreams mean a coming change or that something in your waking life is not really as it seems. Symbols also apply to meditation, or signs seen while out and about. As totems (animal spirit guides), dragonflies teach us about seeing truth, swiftness, change, understanding dreams, and the power of light, as well as several other things.

dragonfly symbolism

In this instance the dragonflies that the woman has been seeing around her are just one of many forms of apports.  Apports are things that seemingly arrive to us from thin air. Typically sent to us by those in spirit,  the intention being to give us sign that our passed loved ones are still around us. Common apports are butterflies, feathers, coins, small animals and birds, flowers, small stones, and plants.

More specifically in this case, a woman (her mother) who has passed away, sends the dragonflies to her daughter. She had a strong connection to water – either from having lived right at a lake or having found much enjoyment spending time by water. Sending dragonflies is also meant as validation that the daughter has seen her during dreaming. As well as it is encouragement to continue to pay attention for more dream-time visits.

dragonfly symbolism

Possible Messages of Dragonflies

When dragonflies show up in your dreams or as signs from your higher self or spirit guides there are several possible messages they may be trying to relay. Of course, you should first consider your personal connection as that would take precedence over a generalized message. But to give you some ideas in case you are stuck consider something along the following lines.

  • The change you are going through is part of your life plan. Have faith.
  • Pay attention to the messages that are coming through dreams as they may help you with a current situation.
  • Be adaptable to your new situation as that is in your best interest.
  • Transformation is happening. Let go and trust that you are not alone. Your heart will lead the way and divine timing will bring all the pieces together if you allow it.

Thanks for sharing your question on dragonfly symbolism, Sandi =)

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