Animal Wisdoms

posted in: Mindfulness, Symbols and Symbolism | 0
rabbit animal wisdoms
blue jay animal wisdoms

Although it’s not something I practice every day, I do find that there is a lot of validity and significance in receiving messages from our totems Animal spirit guides present wisdom to us daily through the sequence of creatures we encounter. For instance, a few days ago I knew there was something I needed to hear. All because in the matter of the time it took me to drive the length of the driveway, I saw a bunny and a blue jay dart in front of my car. Then when I got out of the car a huge grasshopper jumped right in front of me. So putting 2 and 1 together, I went inside to use my shamanism resources,

which resulted in this message:

“Moving through fear requires courage; jumping without knowing where you will land.”

grasshopper animal wisdoms

Not unexpectedly, it was what I needed reassurance about in respect to what was going on with my week. Being on a spiritual path, seems to draw lots of people or beings who are mostly interested in pushing you off the path. Getting that message made me see how my concerns were fear-based. Realizing that got me back to “jumping.” A lady at class last night summed it up when she was telling a story about herself. “[The path] is really about the peaks and valleys and plateaus.”

Ironically, (not believing in irony and coincidence) I left the class and stopped to chat with a couple students having a continued conversation. And, I was promptly assaulted about the head by an enormous moth. It was a message about paying attention to the transformation.

And so it goes.

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