Paranormal Dramas, Real or Spookified?

posted in: Ghosts and Spirits, Psychic | 0
real or spookified paranormal drama dark stairwell

A friend of “like mind” and I have regular talks about metaphysical and paranormal-themed movies and TV shows. And, there have been a lot of those lately. Now the average viewer might go into these shows with hopes of getting the bejeebers scared out of them. Nothing like a great adrenaline rush!

Then there are the rest of us. Ask us when we come out of a show like The Others, or The Sixth Sense how we’d rate it 1-10 on a scare-factor-scale. You’d probably think we were out at the popcorn stand during all the “good parts.” But ask us something more important, like “how REAL is it?” You won’t likely see any thumbs up or down, but you’re sure to get an informative response.

And, a few detailed personal parallels. This, to let you know if it is REAL or SPOOKIFIED. Meaning, have they taken liberties that go so far astray from how metaphysical happenings actually are. The goal is only pure entertainment or over-dramatizing for a fear response. But usually the ones creating the dramas don’t know in the first place what is real…how these experiences actually are for people like us.

I couldn’t be happier that some people do go to lengths to attempt to put a few REAL scenarios out there. For one, it opens the doors to get people to talk about not only the movie and the realism, but about their own personal metaphysical experiences. I haven’t met anyone yet who doesn’t have at least ONE good story of their own about some unexplained occurrence. Maybe once the better part of society is more comfortable sharing their own stories, the stigma and weirdness and judgment and “fear factors” will dissolve a bit.

So to those creators of “Psychic Reality-TV and Film,” Well-played.

And to anyone who hasn’t been watching NBC’s Medium, you’re missing out.

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