2022: Themes for a SIX-year, Love and Blessings

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2022 Themes

I know I am not alone hoping for an energy shift away from the past two years and happily welcoming in this new year, 2022, a SIX-year, numerologically. (2+0+2+2=6). We are gradually coming out of a most trying and challenging time for so many. Last year being a FIVE year, meant that change was a theme for the majority. The year prior was a FOUR year that laid out the foundation for making those changes. Think back to how you have seen this precipitate in your own life and for others around you.

Five Years, which are all about change and transformation…mean that some matters that need to be completed may lapse over to the beginning days of this year and are trying to resolve themselves so we can get fully into the theme of ‘Six’.  Fingers crossed all that the worst hardship is left behind so we can now look forward to enjoying all those changes we’ve struggled with in 2021 and find some fun, more lighthearted, new adventures for 2022. Six years carry so very much amazing potential and the best of themes. So what do we have to look forward to exactly?  Months ahead where LOVE, FAMILY, and LEARNING are all key themes.  

These themes mean that we will have many opportunities and events arise throughout the year so that through them we can honor our soul agreements with others. It’s very much about how that period of establishing foundation and change now converts to a year of carrying out or following through with what was established or realized in the past two years. For example, there were people who suddenly were forced to look at what “quality time with loved ones” actually means.

Grow the LOVE

In this new year, we’ll have chances to manifest love relationships we want to experience, to focus on our family connects and those dynamics, to be of service to others.  How we choose to accept, ignore, welcome, or avert our attention in a conscious manner to these opportunities is up to us, but it will prove rewarding the more we take an active part in these events, both to our human experience as well as to our spiritual growth. By this token, if there ever was a year to be observational toward your relationships with others, this is it. Pay attention. Then take action. Only you can manifest the picture of these themes as you would like to live them. THROUGH the BLUE DOOR includes a number of meditations that are useful for love relationships, friendships and family.

For you personally, spend some time reflecting, meditating, or journaling on these themes. Then, put resolutions aside and instead focus on manifesting the ideas you have about love (on any level or in any form), family, and learning (personal growth). You, your will, and creative spirit can make this happen. Take action when opportunities arise to connect you with your dreams and wishes. Acknowledge the signs and syncronicities that bring validation or clues. Hold on to faith and trust that divine timing is working behind the scenes in your favor, once you have put a clear impression of what you want to manifest out into the universe. Let those blessings come into being.

2022: Theme of Learning

If gaps have been exposed where life purpose has not been fulfilled – where someone isn’t following their passion in life or has been off-track in how they serve others, learning will play a large part this year. This may mean going back to school to advance or pursue a career path or it may mean devoting more time to improving on a course in life that’s already established. It’s about wanting to know more and to be the best one can be at the gifts they came into this life to offer.

Learning may happen in a number of other ways too – life purpose is not equal to career. Sometimes a purpose is fulfilled in other ways, being a hands-on, devoted parent and consciously raising good humans, for example. Or perhaps it is met through a hobby or volunteering. This means that the possibilities and scope of how any individual lives up to their soul’s intention for this lifetime is specific and limited only by the individual soul. So follow where your heart leads.

Learning all amounts to personal growth. Decide how and what you want to expand on and go do that. In little ways or big. No time like the present. If you’re being called back to something that you had put aside, it’s a great place to begin.


What does any of this mean for you personally? Where do you start? It’s up to you where you are being drawn to act on the foundation and changes that were laid out – and may still be in process of coming about. Ask the universe to show you the way. Invite your higher self and soul to nudge you in the right direction and bring about opportunities that are in your best interest. Welcome the steps to your perfect picture of love, of family, of community (universal love).

Interact.  Be a teacher, guide, or mentor.  Get involved in some aspect of service or volunteering.  Work with children, peers, or elderly in a way that creates a cycle of giving and receiving, of co-operation, and responsibility for one another as equal spirits.  Beyond this, and maybe more importantly, give others a chance to share of themselves with you.  Get to know people, ask them questions, learn from them, let them show you what their gifts and knowledge and strengths are too.  Give back…pay it forward…it’s all found in “Six.”

Keep a Positive Outlook

Because “lessons” oftentimes involve challenges, our own perception throughout the year is going to be key.  Try to see the positive and good opportunities as they arise through any difficulties.  Before overreacting, worrying, or jumping to worst-case-scenarios…think beyond the initial matter to see what “gift” it might be bringing you. Is a change making way for the new and better that you’ve been asking for? What is the event trying to allow us to do?  Who is it enabling us to be connected to?  Which of your personal gifts and strengths are you going to have a chance to share with others? Not all “lessons” require dire catastrophes. 

The more our perspective is made to consciously be looking for the good in every day, the more that good will be ours for the exploring.  Use every chance you get to connect with your children, your family, your friends, and your neighbors.  Consciously function out of loving actions as opposed to the fear-based ones laden with worry, doubt, and worse.  Apply gratitude. Acknowledge moments of love showing itself in your life.

Lemons or Lemonade

A word of caution.  As much as the Six Year will give us all these great opportunities to connect with others in a positive way and to intentionally grow LOVE in our lives, we still have our free will to work around — which means that opposite potentials abound here, too.  There’s almost always a choice between love and fear. Lemons or lemonade. Therefore, something to else to watch out for (whether within yourself or in having to protect yourself from others taking advantage) and that amounts to ego.  You know the difference. There are those taking an opportunity to connect in a genuine manner. They try. They’ll communicate (and I do not mean texting), and there are those pure only in selfishness, ignorance, pride, controlling, meddling, domineering and condescending. Never mind the egomaniacs, the ignorants – karma is coming for them. 

Many who have been on the wrong track had the rug pulled out from underneath them. Lost jobs, relationships, loved ones. Their souls are forcing them to address potential transformation and getting on track with higher purpose. A soul can’t make it happen, but it does send opportunity. Drastic for some, less so for others. Some have just dug themselves in deeper to their holes and will never change. Walk away from that, refuse to enable them, and focus instead on those who are willing to evolve. They are the ones that need the support and kindness…your energy won’t be wasted on them. Steer clear (they have to change themselves – it’s not your job) and stay focused on your own goals.

2022: Themes of Self-Love & Self-Expression

It should be noted, the year is not all about outward love, because that is only truly possible with self-love as the foundation. Be conscious of this as you go through the coming months. Make time for yourself. Fill yourself up. Be patient and kind toward yourself. Find your own peace of mind and balance. Then you’ll have plenty to share.

This Six Year is also the BEST year to shine for anyone with even a cell of creative DNA (which means YOU, because you are a creative, spiritual being! Find your bliss. Draw out from your inner self what you want to express. Your ideas and interests are important. Do them for your own joy and balance. Share them if you so desire to connect with others.

Around your house it is time to…
  • throw on a new coat of paint
  • spruce up your living space
  • change up color themes
  • sew some new throw pillows (Here: https://www.simplecreativehome.com/post/throw-pillow-cover-pom-pom-trim)
  • braid a new rug
  • plant a (bigger!) garden and while you’re at it…
  • build your own birdbath  (Here is how: http://www.laspilitas.com/garden/howto/birdbath.htm)
  • create a new work of art (and display it!) or better still…
  • turn a dull nook or hallway into a family art gallery
  • design a meditation labyrinth
  • raise some bees and share your honey
  • plan a home “cookie-a-month” club and bake with your kids…while you…
  • listen and sing along to your old CD collection (You can even share with neighbors…the cookies, maybe even the sing-along)
  • refurbish a chair or table you find at a garage sale or flea market
  • try out all those recipes you’ve been saving away
  • make a fairy garden (https://youtu.be/0BQjp_hOi-Y)
  • build/use the workshop in the garage
  • put up that tree house
  • play with clay, paint, charcoal, metal, wood, or even found-objects from your hike
  • play your own music
  • read more – start a book club, read to someone who can’t, or donate your completed reads
  • write a poem…for someone you love…and let them read it  (I had to be thorough, I saw you wince)
  • photograph, scrapbook, macrame, doodle, invent, construct

The greatest thing is that all these things can be done as fun family projects, so everyone can be involved.   It looks like there is a lot to do this year, countless wonderful memories to be made…best go get started. And take someone with you to enjoy the fun.

NOW, GO WELCOME IN all the LOVE this YEAR HAS TO OFFER and Follow Your Heart!

meditation book

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