Telepathic Goodbyes

posted in: Metaphysical Stories, Psychic | 0

As always, a diverse group showed up for the class. It was exciting to have some teenagers there to balance out the age pool.

While the topic is the unexplained in general, telepathic communications from passed loved ones became the night’s theme. Their stories of how loved ones made their continued presence visually or audibly known after-death were remarkable, of course. But for me it was even more notable to discover that the most direct messages were those most frequently missed. What I mean is, the spirit communicates telepathically by infused thought with their loved one here. Yet, such a level of doubt exists in humanity that the people as recipients of the message don’t get it. I know I have doubted and thought I was “wishful thinking” when I’d been sent a message, looking back on my own experiences of many years past.

How unfortunate is that? I mean it is more common than not that we miss signs and messages, from wherever and whomever in the Universe sends them. But, how amazing would it be, if people everywhere gained a small understanding of how transforming the relationship works when a loved one passes. Maybe then they would receive the gifts of these messages their loved ones send. Over and over, hoping we will realize that they’re still with us. And maybe, it would ease a little bit of the grief.

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