Share Your Meditation Stories

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Tell Us About Your Experiences

share your meditation stories
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Did you know that you can participate at Mandorla Academy?  Share your meditation stories: about the meditative experiences & playlists you try, about your metaphysical experiences, or about your workshop and appointments with Heather. Submit paranormal photos by email.  Ask a symbolism question.  Take a poll.  Would love to hear from you!

Look under CONSULTATIONS or BLOG in the menu bar to find the option you want.  When you’re done, remember to “Follow” and join our email list so you don’t miss a thing.

FIND a MEDITATION or another metaphysical activity to try. Use the drop-down menu or use the TOPICS list at the right to search for options. Everyone wants a “free class” from time to time. They’re right at your fingertips! Plus there are over 50 meditations in the books by Heather Oelschlager to choose from. When you’re done, share your meditation stories. You’ll see examples of these stories in Through the Blue Door. There is also a new option to submit Tarot Poems…check out the book below, 50 Awareness Activities & Tarot Games, for the activities to learn how.

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