SILENCE: A Meditation Workshop

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222.00 USD
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Silence Meditation Workshop:
16-week course access to complete.
10 hours coursework (approx).
Plus individual practice time,
Optional forum discussion and activities
Earn badges and Course Certification
Instructor group help sessions via our M.Academy chat space. (Free. See FB page for schedule).
Pre-requisite Course: VOICE and/or How to Ground, Protect Your Energy

silence meditation workshop group


“Nothing is more useful than silence.”


Welcome to your second core class in the Presence of Light Workshop Series!

As we continue to build on the baseline established from the Voice class, we will concentrate on more key skills and resources. Nurturing spirituality, we will address some common issues and topics that people face. A main topic in this core class is of course, knowing how to meditate.  Among so many other things, meditation can help us put things in perspective.  It helps to balance us and reconnect us with our soul-self.  Meditating even allows us to connect with our spirit guides, who see to it that even when we may be on our own, we are not ever alone.

New lessons are made available over several days time, but you’re again encouraged to work through the materials at a pace that suits you and your schedule best.

New for Continuing Courses

transformation meditation mindfulness butterfly

Further establishing a supportive atmosphere, student networking options and activities are incorporated into the POL courses from this point. Mentoring packages are available as optional add-ons, as well, for one-on-one instructor assistance. These are a great help in terms of personal development. But mostly, it is helpful having others around who understand the process you’re going through. Oftentimes that is hard to find elsewhere. Basically, just because you’re advancing in this way, doesn’t mean your circle of friends and family are in sync to that.

Meditation Workshop Topics

The SILENCE workshop includes:

  • Effort to Keep Growing
  • Building Trust
  • Moving Beyond Fear & Doubt
  • Emotional Accounting
  • Fear vs. Love
  • More About Grounding
  • Beginning Meditation, The Value of Silence, and Expectations
  • Shared Meditation
  • Practical Application
  • More Games, Exercises, and Skill Building
  • FREE: Forums, Connect with Classmates

Instructor: Heather Oelschlager.
Follow Heather on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.
Also, add Heather Oelschlager Photography & Art on Facebook.

  • Your PoL Journal/notebook started during the VOICE class
  • Pen/pencil
  • Colored pencils/markers
  • Computer/printer for worksheet downloads & assignment uploads
  • Through the Blue Door book (used for this and all subsequent Presence of Light Workshops). Available via the link at OR (Barnes&Noble) and all other major booksellers; OR better still, ask your local bookshop to order a copy for you. A discount has been applied to the course fee to cover this $18.99 expense through your enrollment.
  • Optional: A selection of meditation music to suit your personal preferences.
  • Optional: A Gmail account for connecting with classmates through our Google Space