Colors WHITE & BLACK: Interesting Symbolism in Dreams and Meditations

The Colors of WHITE and BLACK

colors black and white symbolism meaning in dreams

Right up front, for those who want to argue that white and black are not colors, we are going to include them. Yes, white is the combination of all wavelengths, and yes, black is the absence of light, but this isn’t about physics right now, it’s about how our perception of those colors in our surroundings influences us.

As humans, we do perceive things around us to have black or white color, and they still carry their own vibrational frequency or metaphysical energy. Therefore, when either black or white have symbolic meaning in our dreams, messages, and signs, it is important we are able to interpret them, just like we would any other color.

the color white symbolism in dreams signs meditations

All About White and Black

It is interesting to think about how we are surrounded in white and black and slight variations of their truest colors. They’re such staples to our wardrobes and especially for white, in our surroundings. Think about how you choose white or black clothing to suit special occasions or even to match it with a mood you’re in. It is so common for us to pick out an outfit that feels good or right in the moment.

White is so refreshing, energizing, welcoming, light. Usually when we wear white, we are feeling more sociable and interactive and open. While black clothes we tend to choose at times we want to block out excess outer energy. Whether that is done consciously or not doesn’t matter. It’s like a security blanket some days. It’s also interesting that we wear it for so many formal occasions. But what are those? They’re most often events that involved crowds and a lot of “peopling.” So, it really makes sense we might not want to absorb all the energies we’re about to be bombarded by and try to keep our energy to ourselves.

Symbolism & Keywords for WHITE and BLACK

When you need to understand a sign or object from a dream/meditation that is black or white (or a pattern of both), consider the following list of keywords. Be sure to weigh out your personal associations to them first, and then fill in the gaps with traditional or generic interpretations as4 suitable.

The opposing white and black have so many possible interpretations. Find the one or two words or phrases that stand out to you regarding a specific situation. It will never be an indication of ALL the possibilities. Here are the two keyword lists:


True White: Unity. innocence, peace, faith, purity, sincerity, life essence, awakening, inspiration, cleanliness, self-awareness, perfection, spiritual achievement, enlightenment.

Cream: acceptance, tolerance, growing maturity.

White with blue tint: self-expression, empathy.

White with yellow tint: rationality, understanding.

White with green tint: self-awareness, open-mindedness.

White with red tint: harmony, admiration.

White with slight brown tint: shows that the normal aspects of True White are a bit muddied.

Soft, Pearlescent White: having the gift of prophecy


True Black: protection, fortification, introspection, concentration, absorption, seriousness, reservation, detachment, solitude, mystery, transformation.

Off-blacks/Onyx, Ebony, Midnight, Ink (black tinged with other colors is influenced by the particular mixed color). These slight variations are often a little harder to discern than the white counterparts, so the keywords are listed together here: ego, pride, vanity, evilness, desolateness, vastness, depression, self-doubt.

Soot, Muddy/Dirty Black: (black mixed with brown) bad intent, malice, guilt, resentment, ignorance.

Possible Messages for the Color White

color white symbolism

“Have faith.”

“It’s a perfect opportunity.”

“Go back to the basics; keep it light and simple.”

“The answer is clear.”

“Listen to your inner voice and trust your heart.”

“You are making progress with your spiritual growth.”

Possible Messages for the Color Black

color black

“It is time for contemplation and introspection.”

“Protect yourself/Protect your energy.”

“Guard your heart”

“Be serious.”

“It’s a mystery.”

“This is about a life transformation.”

“They do not have your best interest in mind/They have bad intentions.”

“There is a hidden agenda.”

black white symbolism chessboard

Patterns and Pairings of
Black & White

Another thing that can happen with the symbolism of black and white is that you receive a sign that is equal parts of both. Consider these kinds of things as potentially having or representing contrast, division, difference, comparison, opposing forces, opposite opinions, or two parts that compose a whole. It may be a message about creating balance or distinguishing two completely different choices. Here, the actual symbol is going to carry the most weight just in itself, like a chessboard (competition/ competitiveness), a zebra (balance, power, and clarity), or a yin and yang sign (equal and opposite aspects of the whole).

We’d love to hear about your experiences with BLACK or WHITE and combined symbols in the comments. How did you interpret it and what did it mean to you?

color black
white symbolism / peace hand sculpture
white symbolism cream color

Click to select and read about another color:

Do you have a symbol that you would like interpreted?  Heather Oelschlager takes submissions for requests through Mandorla Academy. Send an email through the contact form and your symbol may be chosen for an upcoming article like this one!

white puzzle pieces
meditation book

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