Today. Saltus Fidei, take a leap of faith

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leap of faith
noun: leap of faith; plural noun: leaps of faith
an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved.

Do one thing every day that scares you.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Saltus Fidei

leap of faith

We wish for good things.  We pray for opportunities to take.  And we use affirmations to manifest positive events.  Then those things show up and they can be really terrifying because all along we were sitting in our comfort zone. A place where it might have been a terrible wait, and we might have endured a lot of sadness, or doubt, or misfortune, but at least it was familiar.  We can stay there.  Or, we can smile politely, assume our Higher Self, the Universe, or God (by whatever name you call him) has “got this”…and jump feet first, first.  Out of the comfort zone and into the unknown.

No more self-doubt or waiting. Saltus Fidei. Be brave for five seconds and take a leap of faith . Let it start a transformation to bring your wishes and dreams to reality. Welcome the blessings.

I’m doing something scary today, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Are you coming along?

Always do what you are afraid to do.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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