Tavern Ghosts

tavern ghosts table and a drink

Just a quick blurb about today’s shopping/lunch spree with my friend S. …and the tavern ghosts.

At the sub-street-level quaint restaurant she invited me out to, we had an amusing encounter with a couple of the resident barflies, who apparently never saw the need to really depart, despite their being non-corporeal. The gentleman was quick to approach to ask if we were from the local college, “because they all come over from (the college).”

As S. endearingly made a toast “to the local spooks,” he cheerily joined in with an “I’ll drink to that!” And the ghostly woman, Harriet, swaggered from table to table dropping down on any empty seat that interested her, thereby dropping in on any conversation being had. I love places like that. Great food, odd waitress, historic building. In more ways than most realize. Good ol’ tavern ghosts.

You’ll find more stories like these, about ghosts and so much more in the blog. Consider taking classes and develop your own intuition and ultra-sensory abilities, too. Enjoy!

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