Choosing Tarot Decks (Part IV)
PREVIOUS:: Details, Death, and Decks (PART III)
Tarot Decks for Men…and the Women Who Love Them.
(The tarot decks or the men. Your call.)

Men and the Metaphysical
There is a long running joke in my workshops about how there is always a “token man” in class. Granted, in a class of thirty, I’ve even had several men in attendance. But when it comes to averaging numbers, for every class the ratio of women to men is about 9 to 1. Does this mean that men are less perceptive? Are they less spiritually aware? Less evolved? That only the wily come to class because they know where to go to better their chances to meet women? The topic comes up every time I’ve got a group with the “token man” in it. There are arguments toward every side of the aforementioned questions.
Though this is severely narrowing my understanding of this trend, my personal observation is this… When women encounter something unusual, inexplicable, or downright freaky (ie. this pretty much blankets all metaphysical, paranormal, and unusual events), what do they do? They get on the phone and talk about it. Men on the other hand? They tend to keep it to themselves. To me, this accounts for the differentiation.
The majority of men I’ve had in the workshops are usually busting at the seams to unload personal accounts and paranormal stories they’ve been hanging on to for years…lifetimes even. The others? Well, Mulder-esque really. And a few, pretty much there to appease their spouses. None of any of this amounts to a man’s curiosity of metaphysical and spiritual topics, or ability to achieve heightened awareness and greater perception, being any less plausible or significant than that of women.
Men and Tarot
Which brings me to the tarot topic. And another opinion. More guys ought to try tarot. If anything, when you are still a bit dubious about your intuitive side, tarot is a great tool to help tap into that, to draw more of your inner perceptions outward, and to validate all those insights you do have. One of my first encounters ever with tarot was with a man who, though entirely psychic, would use tarot when inspired to do so. His deck had been passed down through three generations.
Sometimes getting a tarot reading from a man is much like going to ask for a man’s opinion vs. a woman’s. When psychically skilled at it, a man and a woman reading tarot will arrive at much the same insights and information, but how they get there… they way they explain it, the symbolism they notice and interpret, the voice, and perspective they offer, will be quite different. Invaluable, really. Trouble is, there are just far more “girly decks” (well, tarot decks with artwork that would appeal more to women) than there are for men. So, Men, what kind of deck do you look for when the ratio is against you once again?

Selecting Tarot Decks for Men
All the suggestions given in the blogs leading up to this one still apply. Window shop. Narrow down your choices. Then go hold on to a couple decks and determine which one really feels to right to you.
Where to start however? The same rules are going to apply regarding the theme and the artwork (refer back to Blog #2 on narrowing down your choices). If you don’t love it, the deck won’t work well. Several of the ones from the list I gave of traditional decks are really popular for men (like Rider-Waite, Morgan-Greer, and New Palladini), but here are just a few other varied suggestions for some tarot decks that you might want to consider as well.

There are the obviously themed decks:
Celtic Dragon Tarot (the best of the dragon-themed decks)
Tarot of Pirates (does not, unfortunately, come with a free patch; out of print at this time).
Vikings Tarot (Skol Vikes! Oh, sorry…not a football-themed deck)
Baseball Tarot (IS a baseball themed deck; by Lerner & Gardiner. Do NOT get this confused with the Tarot of Baseball)
And other great decks with assorted styles:
Thoth Tarot (a classic deck; Aleister Crowley)
Cosmic Tarot (amazing ink art)
DruidCraft (Celtic theme)
Vision Quest (Native American theme; Thoth-based)
Those are just a handful titles to help in launching your search. Whether you’re a man shopping for your own deck, or you’re looking for ideas to purchase a deck for a man you know, begin with themes or art styles that are appealing and go from there. You’re certain to find a great deck.
Final Gems Recommended
My last set of recommendations isn’t really so much that, as it is my little deck wishlist. I thought I’d share the titles of a few decks that I really am drawn to …just for the simple reason that you might love them too! Check them out:
Paulina Tarot (love this artist!)
Disney Villains Tarot
Tarot of Jane Austen (Major Arcana only. Which card do you suppose is Willoughby???) **Note: Not “A Jane Austen Tarot Deck” which not an actual tarot deck.**
Revelations Tarot (interesting upright + reversal artistry concept)
Mona Lisa Tarot (all Renaissance and da Vinci)
Blue Moon Tarot (a major arcana only set)
Transparent Tarot (Such a clever idea; though getting hands on this for a reasonable sum can be a challenge.)
Tarot of Trees
Shadowscapes Tarot
I hope this little blog mini-series has given you a few ideas and a starting point to dive into your tarot deck quest. Whether you end up with a deck from the recommendations, or something entirely different that you happen upon, I’d love to hear back what decks you end up with, so please feel free to post comments back and let me know. Maybe I can find some new treasures to add to my wishlist then, too!
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BOOKS meditation, psychic development, intuition, mindfulness, tarot
50 Awareness Activities & Tarot Games (Amazon)
Through the Blue Door: A Medium’s Guide to Ultra-Sensory Meditation and Journaling.
Previously published, copyright 2000-2024.
Great post! Can you tell me what deck that top card is from? The one with the octopus wrapped around the pirate ship?
Thank you.
Never mind. I find out. 🙂 Tarot of Pirates! yaargh!