INTU.IT Tuesday Activity and Rules

Using intuition happens naturally in a number of ways, but it is possible to apply it more intentionally and train yourself to understand and have more accurate intuitive experiences.

Our INTU.IT activity is one such opportunity to practice using your intuition. Find the videos on our TikTok (@mandorlaacademy) and when you need help with interpreting traditional symbolism, check out our blog for useful information. New INTUI.ITs are added weekly.

INTU.IT: How it Works

Follow the instructions at the start of each video. Once you decide on your question, view the image and pay attention to the first aspect of the image that you notice. What are your eyes drawn to immediately? Apply symbolic interpretation to get an answer to your question, information or a clue that is useful towards answering it.

What does the aspect that you noticed represent to you?

Your personal understanding of the symbolism is most important and should be applied first. This is where your intuition comes in and being able to apply and learn to trust your instincts and inner voice.

From there, traditional and universal symbolism may be helpful, but should always be considered second. It is also necessary to use your own filters when considering traditional symbolism, because your message will never be ALL the options. An example of this would be using your intuition to recognize a word or phrase that applies to your situation when you read through an article or list of possibilities.

The Symbolism

It takes time, practice and patience to become adept at interpreting your personal symbolism, but worth the effort. It’s rather like learning your own secret code or language to communicate with your higher self and the world around you. When you feel stuck for meaning or understanding, weighing out some traditional or generalized meanings is a good place to begin.

Use this SYMBOLISM GUIDE to start out. It may spark a thought or idea that is just enough to confirm what you need. From there, watch for posts that address images more specifically, as well as more thorough blog posts regarding some common symbolic objects, colors, numbers, and such.

Extra Help

In the event you want help with your messages or added input, schedule a session with Heather Oelschlager, psychic medium. All your questions can be covered more in depth that way. Click here for our CONTACT page.

Your Story

If you try our INTU.IT activity and have a great story to share about your experience and the insights you receive, be sure to share it with us.

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Also at Mandorla Academy

TAKE an Online CLASS intuition, psychic & personal development, meditation, tarot
CONSULTATIONS professional psychic medium
BOOKS meditation, mindfulness, tarot, psychic development

Through the Blue Door Meditation Book

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