Color YELLOW Symbolism: Messages in Signs, Meditations, and Dreams

The Color Yellow

Symbolism shown to us through meditation, dreams, or signs we receive is a language all its own we can personally develop to connect more closely with our higher selves, our spirit guides, and the Universe on the whole. If the color of an object you are shown, or the color itself, has meaning we can investigate in order to find out what the message is and have a better understanding of it. The color should be combined with the symbolism of the object itself in order to arrive at the most accurate interpretation. Here we dive into the symbolism of the color yellow.

color yellow symbolism - dandelion

All About Yellow

As we focus on yellow, think about any personal preference or aversion you have to this color. If yellow is meaningful to you, it’s more likely that the symbolism is showing an aspect of helping you balance yourself out with your usual happiness. Having an aversion to yellow may indicate issues with being optimistic or open-minded. It could also show a lack in one of the other areas that yellow represents as well (*see the main YELLOW keywords below). Other personal correlations provide added insights, too, such as if it is your favorite color and you often wear yellow clothing, or you have fond memories of playing in a sandbox with your yellow toy trucks as a child. Be sure to consider these personal connections first, not only the traditional or generic interpretations.

Symbolism & Keywords

Yellow symbolizes a range of interesting aspects and traits. Find the one or two words or phrases that stand out to you regarding a specific situation. It will never be an indication of ALL the possibilities. Use the following list of keywords when translating yellow symbolism:

Yellow: Intellect, clarity, understanding, intelligence, open-mindedness, logic, ability, self-expression, harmony, joy, happiness, optimism, success, awakening, inspiration, creativity.

Butter Yellow, Pale Yellow: highest intellectual power

Maize, Mustard (yellow with brown tones): bitterness, callousness, sarcasm

Dandelion: happiness, inspiration, creativity

Lemon: joy, optimism, clarity

lemon and dandelion shades of yellow

Amber, Honey: ancient wisdom, understanding, logic

Cream: acceptance, tolerance, growing maturity

*Please note that GOLD is included in another article addressing symbolism of the metallics: Gold, Silver, and Copper.

Possible Messages for the Color Yellow

“Be joyful.”

“Trust your intuition and knowledge.”

color yellow symbolism in dreams, signs, meditations

“If you know, you know.”

“You are smart enough to figure this out.”

“Stay positive – everything will be okay.”

“It’s time to refresh and restore your joyful self.”

“Get inspired and apply your creativity.”

“Don’t speak/act out of a place of jealousy.” (Example symbol: having dirty-yellow teeth in a dream; likewise, that could show regret over making sarcastic, unkind comments.)

Yellow is such a happy color, don’t you think? Typically, the message you receive involving yellow symbolism will be one of positivity and encouragement. With, of course, the exception of yellows tinted with brown; in which case, receiving a message like that may simply be to persuade making choices that are in closer alignment to your true self.  Please feel free to share your experiences with YELLOW symbols in the comments.

yellow symbolism fish
lemon yellow

Click to select and read about another color:

Do you have a symbol that you would like interpreted?  Heather Oelschlager takes submissions for requests through Mandorla Academy. Send an email through the contact form and your symbol may be chosen for an upcoming article like this one!

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