The Color PURPLE Symbolism and Messages in Signs, Dreams, Meditation

purple symbolism car beetle vw

The Universe, our higher selves (souls), our spirit guides, and sometimes even passed loved ones, so often employ and enjoy using symbolism to connect with us. This comes about through meditation, dreams, signs and synchronicity. As we investigate what we are shown and use a few tools to interpret the symbolic messages received, we develop our own sort of language and means to communicate. While of course the symbolism and meanings behind the objects are key, evaluating the symbolism of significant color(s) is important as well. Here we look at the symbolism behind the color PURPLE and several of its shades.

the color purple symbolism - crocus flowers

The Color Purple

There is something special about the color purple. Equal parts of red and blue, it has its own unique uplifting and positive energy. It carries a kind of motivation, in a balanced and clear way. When you get to the section about the keywords, you’ll see a theme too, that so many of the variations of purple are derived from the colors of associated flowers. Many colors come about their names this way, but this seems especially true of all the shades of purple – and there are SO many, we can’t cover them all here.

purple symbolism wall

All About Purple

Because of this broad range of possibilities of color-matching your symbols, it is especially important to rely on your intuition and inner voice to translate your particular variety of purple and the symbolic meanings. Find a shade that you feel most closely represents what YOU would call the color. Just to give an example of why this is important, say that to you have an object you would label violet. But, what if you look up violet and find all these options:

That’s quite a range. Go with what you feel and what is closest to how you would identify the color (that goes for others too, not just purples) because ultimately it is YOUR personal message and however it is being relayed is meant to be a communication through your personal filters. It’s totally okay if to someone else they’d call it Jam, Iris, Heather, or Periwinkle. They can find their own meaning and assign its own importance.

Wisteria, Lavender, Grape, Thistle, Mulberry. This list goes on and on. Let me make it easier for you. Since scientists estimate that humans can see 10 million colors, it’s in your best interest to narrow it down quickly so your interpretations are kept practical, useful, and meaningful. Beyond that, it doesn’t really matter if you’re exacting to a precise tint. What is important to land on, is likely to get across, as long as you are honest and unresistant.

Symbolism and Keywords for Purple

Here is a list of keywords for you to browse when translating your own purple symbolism:

purple symbolism in meditations and dreams

 Purple/True Purple (equal parts blue and red):  purification, transmutation, authority, mysticism, dignity, devotion, loving kindness, compassion, transformation, insight, introspection, regality, creativity, ambition, wisdom, intellect, spiritual awareness, inspiration, responsibility.

Lavender:  nostalgia, sentimentality.
[Lavender, the flowers, represent healing].

Violet: spirituality.
[Violet, the flowers, represent fulfillment].

Plum: confidence, luxury. (There are a range of shades considered “plum.” Be aware than any that are purple mixed with brown is going to have other “muddied” meanings. See more about this below).

Iris: patience.

Orchid: idealism
[Orchid, the flowers, represent idealism and beauty].

Lilac: responsibility
[Lilac, the flowers, represent spirituality].

mauve mallow flower
purple symbolism
orchid purple symbolism in meditations and dreams

Mauve: romance, sentimentality.
[Mallow flowers which the color mauve was named for, represent love, romance, and inner peace].

Purple mixed with brown and/or red (that which results in a dark burgundy or an obvious brown plum): compulsiveness, addiction, greed, false spirituality, ego, pompousness, insecurity, doltishness, stupidity, contrived power, deceit.

Dark, Medium, Light, Pale, Electric, Aubergine, Royal Purple, Amethyst, Heliotrope, Raisin, Magenta, Sangria. (And we’re STILL GOING!)

Possible Messages for the Color Purple

“It’s time for growth and transformation.”

“Be insightful and introspective.”

“Let yourself be inspired so you can best apply your creativity.”

“This is a matter best approached with compassion and wisdom.”

“Confidence is key.”

“Be patient.”

A Note About the Message of “Patience”

That last potential message is a big one. Being told to have patience is something that our higher selves and spirit guides will say to us countless times over the course of our lives. If you are in a phase where that is happening, you are likely to receive a number of signs that carry that message. When you see a combination or series of iris-colored things, allium flowers, snails, turtles, sloths, and/or elephants, “Be patient” is very likely your message. Simple as that. Be patient. Take your time. Allow divine timing to do the work.

Let us know which shades of purple you are encountering and how you interpret them based on your experiences. Please feel free to share your PURPLE symbols and sign in the comments.

purple symbolism violet fabric
purple symbolism amethyst

Click to select and read about another color:

Do you have a symbol that you would like interpreted?  Heather Oelschlager takes submissions for requests through Mandorla Academy. Send an email through the contact form and your symbol may be chosen for an upcoming article like this one!

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