When it comes to experiencing a bicycle or bike of some sort in a dream, meditation, or as a sign received, there are a multitude of potential messages. It is terribly important to consider all the factors of each specific instance in order to come up with a true understanding of the meaning behind it. When this is done, arriving at an accurate interpretation of the message is possible.
Dreaming of Bicycles or Bikes
If in dream or meditative state, recalling your feelings at the time is certainly helpful as it will impact the meaning and messages. Take for example the difference between a dream where you are on a bicycle careening down a steep hill out of control as compared to one being on an adult tricycle meandering around a duck pond on a Saturday afternoon. Very different impressions equal very different symbolic meaning to be interpreted.

Bicycles and Bikes in General
One should always first consider the idea of bikes/bicycles in general. From there, follow the list of other meaningful points and shaping your interpretation to include additional symbolism that comes along with the specific details.
Key ideas that bicycles (and related variations of them) would potentially symbolize include the following. Each, of course, could be for positive or negative depending on how it’s going with the biking and other aspects of the scene/experience.
- transportation (albeit, typically not going too far or moving too fast)
- recreation
- exercise
- rhythm
- progress in a natural but assisted way (not so slow or unassisted as walking, not so rapid as a car, train, or airplane); slow and steady progress
- going at your own pace (*see tandem bike for added info)
- consistency, reliability
- balance (whether it represents struggling to peddle and being off-balance or if it is going smoothly and representing what IS in balance). Keeping or regaining balance between two aspects of life (such as home life and work life, for example).
Various Dynamics
Check through the list to see which of the following apply to your situation in addition to the list above.
shiny, new bike
Consider the bike meanings, but as it would apply to a new situation, something you’re proud of, or a new means.
old/vintage, disrepair, flat tires
Consider the general meanings, but apply one or more of these ideas, too. Being in need of help/repair, something being broken or not working right, useless or unhelpful, not going anywhere/not making progress, outdated, outmoded, or nostalgic. A flat tire could represent one aspect of life in that is complicating or hindering another that’s otherwise on track.

trail bike, BMX, racing bike, touring bike
Consider the bike meanings, but with added symbolism, such as adventure, competition, a challenge, risk, danger, chance, speed, needing to be in control or cautious, needing to be skilled or knowledgeable. It would be important to note if there was any feeling experienced of trying to get away from something/someone or feelings of escaping as those would take precedence.
The other factor that may come up here, too, is the idea of distance. If you had a sense that distance was important, this may be a reference to something being more challenging OR it may indicate the challenge is enduring over a span of time as opposed to something that is instant, momentary, or finished quickly.
built for two/tandem bike
Keywords: partnership, a romance, a friendship, duality, shared, sharing, unity, cooperation. When it comes to the idea of going at your own pace, here instead the idea of pace/progress will be affected by whether both people are contributing to the progress, or if both are coasting and not getting too far, or if one is doing all the work. It could also point to you or another throwing you off-balance (some way in your life) if that’s represented.
tricycle, recumbent, leisure bicycle
Keywords: relaxed, relaxing, stability, leisurely, assured, even, sure, gradual, taking your time, being more cautious/observant, steady, enjoyment, pleasure.
bike with basket, bike with child seat or cart
If this is the case, it is important to note and apply symbolism, as appropriate, of what or who is in the basket or seat, in conjunction with the other bicycle symbolism and the setting.

bike pulling a cart, delivery bicycle/service, rickshaw, tuktuk
Consider the bike meanings, but with the added ideas of work, working, weight being carried/burdens, effort, service, being on time. Here it is most important to apply meanings based on if you just see/observe the bike, or if you are operating it (implies control or direct effect), or if you are riding (implies you’re the one being a burden or being given the service).
Keywords: spinning in wheels, staying in place, stagnant, lacking progress, constancy, playing it safe, avoidance (of change/taking a chance); exercising (literally), exercising a right/idea/opinion.
Keywords: solo, alone, independent, unbalanced, uncertainty, precarious, unpredictable, dangerous.
electric bike, motorbike, moped, dirt bike, motorcycle
Consider the bike meanings, but add to it speed, electricity, increased motion or faster timing, also consider the setting. Added risk, added danger, Mood, emotions, and fear (or lack of) will need to be measured if this came about in a dream, too. If in the dream you were going for a joy ride and living life to the full, don’t wake up and think that would be terrifying and uncharacteristic and ultimately change the message into something quite opposite. Take it for what it was in that moment. This applies to other symbols and messages, too, of course.
motorcycle sidecar
Let’s add this in as one of the possibilities related to bikes. Here the keywords are: out of your control, taking a risk (not by your own choice), being taken for a ride/taken advantage of

Of Significance, too.
There are other considerations that affect the overall message, as well and these need to be taken into account in order to have the most accuracy in your interpretation. These aspects include: movement vs. stillness, location/surroundings/setting, weather, bike color, being on or off the bike (observing or participating/in action).
Questions to Answer
There are a few questions to consider when you are trying to understand a personal sign, dream, or message involving a bike.

- Are you the only one in the scene and is it you using the bike?
- What is the scenario? Where is the bike located? What emotions are experienced along with the bike encounter?
- Are you observing the bike on its own, with no direct interaction?
- Is there action, interaction, involvement with the bike?
- Are other people a part of the scene or involved with the bike?
- Is the bicycle moving? If so, does the pace or speed or route or setting carry importance? If it was notable when it occurred, then for sure keep this in mind.
- Is the bike stored, sitting, or chained/locked up?
- Is it an actual bike you are familiar with? (This could be indicative of a literal not symbolic event; past, present, or future).
- Is it a fictional or artistic representation of a bike? This brings an aspect of observation and/or of creating aspects represented by the bike.
- Are you cycling in a velodrome? It could represent going in circles or repeating behaviors (for good or bad depending on the coinciding aspects).

Bicycles: Their Symbolic Messages
Possible generic BIKE messages:
- Regarding what has been on your mind, this is how the progress is going.
- Make sure to keep balance between ____ and ____ in your life.
- Keep going at a slow and steady pace to accomplish your goal.
- Take your time and enjoy the journey.
- It is time for more fitness or recreation so that you will get balance back in your life.
- Be consistent and persistent and you will accomplish your goal.
- Get your balance in life back by attending to ___ (an aspect of life that needs attention or fixing, represented by a flat tire for example).
Meditations & Other Activities
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Do you have a symbol that you would like interpreted? Heather Oelschlager takes submissions for requests through Mandorla Academy. Send an email through the contact form and your symbol may be chosen for an upcoming article like this one!

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