Amish from Heaven

answers and synchronicity amish from heaven six-lane highway

I very much enjoy it when synchronicities and signs happen. There have been some that have been pretty elaborate and others that seem “smaller” that I might not even recognize as such until the whole event is in hindsight. No matter how it comes about though, they always make me smile. Sometimes it gives a sense of a huge connection to the universe. Amazing elements of divine timing. Other times it’s just some funny or quirky little answer to a question that’s on my mind. “Answers from heaven.”

Last week, a friend and I were talking about his home state of PA, about his plans for an upcoming trip to visit, and about the prevalent Amish community there and the differences between Amish culture here and there. At the end of the conversation, he said that maybe I ought to take the trip with him. It left something to think about anyway, because who am I to pass up an opportunity for a great roadtrip?

Answers and Synchronicity

A couple days ago I was on a drive elsewhere, when I started wondering about whether I should, or would, go on the PA trip and also reminiscing about a trip from years ago that led thru that state. Right at that very moment I came around a bend in the highway and just ahead of me was an overpass. Directly in the very center of that bridge was an Amish horse and buggy.

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.


Some time after writing this post, and in light of other signs that have occurred to me, I started to wonder how to more accurately interpret the signs that appear. Obviously not every sign is intended to be an answer in the affirmative. For example, I once was hoping for a sign regarding how a trip to TN was going to go. As my friend was driving me to the airport a red truck with TN plates cut her off as we tried to take the exit ramp we needed. The fact that the truck was bright red was, as it turns out, the significant element of this sign, as it meant that I should be warned or cautious regarding the trip. (This awareness coming mainly in hindsight and after-thought, of course).


Anyway, I had been looking for information more recently regarding ornithomancy (divination by interpreting birds and flight patterns), when I came across some very basic information about the significance of the direction of the birds’ flight. It suggested that should you ask a question and see the bird flying north, your answer is affirmative, or that it indicates a positive outcome. Conversely, should the bird be traveling south, this would indicate a “No” response, or the likelihood that things are not favorable for the situation at hand (literally, “things are going south.”) With this new knowledge, I can fairly re-assess the Amish buggy sign, interpreting it as a “no” answer, as the buggy was traveling south across the bridge. Live and learn. Receiving answers and synchronicity.

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