The Woodpecker: Symbolism, Signs, Messages

woodpecker symbolism

Woodpecker Symbolism

A client just stopped mid-sentence to spontaneously mention a woodpecker, so I thought to myself, there is the subject for my symbols post today. Keep reading to learn all about woodpecker symbolism and what to notice when these birds appear.

If you should pick up on a woodpecker around you, whether in meditation, dreams, or as a totem animal showing up in however many ways they do,  they can represent a number of ideas.  

A few potential messages include:

  • See the truth that is being revealed.
  • Be persistent.
  • Is there something you have overlooked?
  • It’s time to be focused and hard-working.
  • This is about cycles and patterns in your life – pay attention to them at this time.
woodpecker symbolism

Clearly, not all the messages would apply at once, but if you’re looking for a sign, one of the messages is likely to stand out to you.

A Sign of Caution

Woodpeckers can also be a sign of prophecy or a warning.  If you see one dash in front of your car…it would be a good idea to slow down and be alert to what is ahead.

Do you have a sign or symbol that you would like to understand further? Be sure to drop a suggestion and your symbol may be featured in a future article like this one.

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