Valentine’s Game: Manifesting Magic

posted in: Mindfulness, Psychic | 0
valentine game worksheet

Here’s a little Valentine’s Game for all of you out there trying to get through another Black Saturday alone. (The rest of you should be out there being grateful you’ve already got a love of your own and showing them so). You’ll need some markers, crayons, or colored pencils if you want to get those out first.
Print out the flower outline photo. (Right click to ‘save photo as’ or choose ‘open link in new window’ to get a slightly larger version and save that to print). If you don’t have a printer you can use a pencil or pen to sketch the outline yourself.

How-To Manifest Magic:

The rest of the directions are as follows:

1/ Color each bubble surrounding the five heart-shapes petals: one yellow, one pink, one purple, one orange, one blue. The shades don’t matter as long as you know which is representative of each of those five colors.

2/ From the table below choose five words to write in each of the white petals. Think of which color petal should be paired with the words you choose as you do this part.

valentine game word list

3/ Think of “Unconditonal Love”. What color does this feel like to you? Color the outermost petal-bubble this color.

4/ Think of growth…of a magical, healthy relationship…think of your beloved coming into your life. What color(s) does that feel like to you? Color the stem and leaves.

5/ Think of yourself being prepared and fully open to welcoming your kindred mate into your life. How do YOU feel? Draw a symbol of this in the center of the flower.


completed example valentine game worksheet

Your finished flower should look something like this (with your own colors, words, and center design). I will post a follow-up to this blog to explain the significance of the petals and the words you chose soon.

Keep your flower in a special journal, or better still, display it somewhere you’ll see it to remind yourself every day that while you are waiting for your kindred mate, you are preparing yourself and your life for them.

May love find it’s way to you soon!


Wishing blissful, unconditional love to all my friends…and to my kindred mate…Happy Valentine’s Day!

UPDATE: When you’ve finished the flower exercise, go to the Valentine’s Game Follow-up to get the details!

More Activities and Meditations

If you enjoy this activity, you will find many more meditations and games in Heather’s books. Click here to visit her Amazon Author page and see all the options: View (opens in new tab).

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