Tarot: The Death Card, Great Options to Consider

(Choosing a Deck, Part III): Details, Death and Decks

PREVIOUS:: So Many Tarot Decks (PART II)
legend tarot death card

Artwork with Detail

So I promised to give some recommendations on other great tarot decks out there. The way I teach intuitive tarot (intuitive (or psychic tarot), as opposed to “I just memorized this instruction book” tarot reading is greatly benefited by beautiful, intricate, deeply symbolic artistry of the cards. Some of the more standard and traditional decks mentioned in the previous blog clearly qualify, but that doesn’t mean everyone will be drawn to one of those ten options. Six other decks that do offer wonderfully detailed cards that I also recommend are:

Old English Tarot
Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
Llewellyn Tarot
Alchemical Tarot, Renewed
Sacred Circle
Goddess Tarot

legend magician tarot details

In my opinion, if you can continue to use a deck over the course of a year or two on a regular basis, as my students do, and you’re still laying out spreads saying, “Wow! I just not noticed this,” suddenly discovering a new detail of a card that comes up, then that is a deck rich with symbolism. You’ll never be stuck for new and fresh ways to explain, describe, interpret and understand a deck like this. Some of the decks listed above divert away from tradition with regard to the labeling of the suits and/or the naming of the major arcana cards but don’t let this deter you. I’ve had students who had never seen a deck before pick one up and be able to connect to and understand the cards from night one of a tarot class, so I’m sure if one of these is your “right” deck, it will work similarly for you.

The Misunderstood Tarot Death Card

Now, to address one of the other common issues that come up when I’m asked for help in choosing a deck seems to be that some people are really deterred by the tarot Death card. I’ll admit, some of the Death cards in particular decks seem to stand out a little TOO much and are distressingly gruesome, but if you are hung up about wanting to avoid a Death card altogether you may want to consider one of the five following deck options.

Decks WITHOUT a Tarot Death Card

lover path tarot

Tarot of the Old Path
Osho Zen
( non-traditional tarot deck, but a really fantastic one)
The Lover’s Path
(substitutes Transformation, shown left)
Shapeshifter Tarot
Connolly Tarot
(substitutes Transition for Death)

These decks do things to “de-spook” tarot, like substitute the title of “Transformation” for “Death”, which is what any death card represents, above and beyond any bad omen for actual death. Once you learn about tarot and start doing readings, the standard Death cards won’t seem ominous, but rather project more of a sense of hopefulness and promise for the future. Either way, deck with Death card or deck with a variation, look at the number XIII Major Arcana card in the deck if you can before you make your purchase and check out how the artist interprets the card. No matter what the artwork is like, if the “spookiness factor” is acceptable to you, that is all that matters.

Six More Decks Options with a Tarot Death Card

Now, if you’re fine with the tarot Death card title as it traditionally stands, but you just want something a little “softer” or not gratuitously gory, then you may also want to consider one of these six decks:

Harmonious Tarot
Mystic Faerie Tarot
Whimsical Tarot
Vanessa Tarot
Tarot Nova
Celestial Tarot

Tarot for Teens

Additionally, if you’re shopping for a deck appropriate for a teenager or younger person, a couple of the decks mentioned above are also good ones to consider as some of them are just less graphic overall, beyond the Death card. Again, you’ll want to try to get your hands on a “sample deck” or window shop through the images online to find which one you feel most suitable passing along to that specific person.

Darker Option

Just a side note on the flip-side, if you ARE deliberately looking for a darker, eerier deck, be sure to check out the Bohemian Gothic Tarot and see if it’s for you. It’s perfectly lovely…in that creepier sort of way.

I’ve still got two more categories of deck recommendations coming, so follow the link for Part IV of this tarot article.

victoria regina tarot

The Best of the Black & White Tarot Decks…Victoria Regina Tarot

Card photos shown in blog:
(top 2) Death and the Magician from the Legend: Arthurian Tarot
(center) Transformation from The Lover’s Path Tarot; Published by US Games
(left) The Moon from the Victoria Regina Tarot; Published by Llewelllyn

NEXT: Tarot Decks for Men…and the Women Who Love Them. (Part IV)

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Previously published, copyright 2000-2024.