Divination Game for You

posted in: Metaphysical Stories | 0

Up for playing a little divination game? For my Light Source class, I’ve been assigning summer projects each year. In fact, I just finished mine for this summer recently. It occurred to me there is more than one way to use it. So, I came up with this little game you all can try for yourselves using a photo of my board. All you’ll need is a pen, paper, and a little time.


Looking at the picture below, pick out five things you are first drawn to in the image. Write them down in order you choose them, leaving some space between each word in your list.

Add a comment, or drop me a message to me just listing the five things. I’ll reply to give you the basic symbolism of each of the five on your list to get you started. Once you have added that info to your list, then spend a couple minutes adding to your description of each specific item (What does each object make you think of? How would you describe it? Do you have any personal connections or stories that relate to the objects?).


Just as an example, say there was a monkey on the board and you put that on your list. You’d add next to it the symbolism I forward you: vanity, deceit, foolishness, thoughtlessness. Then you’d add whatever else you wanted to describing the monkey or any personal references or thoughts, which might go something like:

brown and white, wiry, looks like it’s about to leap, reminds me of the monkey from the TV show Friends (specifically an episode where the monkey is lost so they’re all trying to find it). And also, of the time that guy took me on that date to the zoo (our first and last) and all he did was talk about himself the whole time we were there. Personally, I actually like monkeys; they’re fun to watch, but I don’t think I’d want to take one home.

When you are done, you can scroll down to the bottom of the blog from 14MAY09 (The Waiting). At the bottom of it I’ve listed what each of the five things you choose represents. Don’t look before you’re finished with the first part, or it will invalidate the process. (Obviously, or I would have just included right in this blog in the first place).

Have fun with the game and divining your own message!

More Activities

If you enjoy this activity, you will find many more meditations and games in Heather’s books. Click here to visit her Amazon Author page and see all the options: View (opens in new tab).

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